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Educational program

  1. Berufsschule, vocational educational training (VET): A combination of learning on the job at a company and attending our school once/ twice a week. Students can complete apprenticeships in the fields of metal engineering, electrical engineering, automotive technology and information technology. After successfully completing this 3-4 year program, participants receive a certificate as a skilled worker in their craft.

Together with the companies in the dual system we offer the following apprenticeships.

Electrical Engineering

  • Electronics Technician for Building and Infrastructure
  • Electronics Technician for Automation Technology
  • Electronics Technician for Information and Telecommunications Systems
  • Electronics Technician for Equipment and Systems


Metal Engineering

  • Construction Mechanic
  • Metalworker
  • Plant Mechanic: Maintenance
  • Plant Mechanic for Sanitary Engineering
  • Tool Engineer
  • Metal Cutting Mechanic
  • Industrial Mechanic
  • Foundry Mechanic


Information Technology

  • Computer Science Expert for Software Development
  • Computer Science Expert for System Integration


Automotive Technology

  • Automotive Mechatronics Technician Focus: Cars
  • Automotive Mechatronics Technician Focus: Commercial Vehicles


  1. Berufseinstiegsschule: a course for students without a certificate of completion of compulsory basic secondary schooling focusing on professional competences and social skills. This course is available in the fields of electrical and metal engineering.


  1. Berufsfachschule: a course for students with a general certificate of secondary education. This course is available in the fields of electrical and metal engineering. Successful completion of this course will be credited as the first year of an apprenticeship.


  1. Fachoberschule Technik: a one-/ two-year-course in which students can earn an advanced technical leaving certificate enabling them to enrol at any university of applied sciences and arts.


  1. Fachschule Technik: a two-year-course for workers with a completed apprenticeship and at least one year of work experience. Successful completion of this course enables the participants to acquire the qualification of state certified technician. This course is available in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering. [10d]


  1. Berufliches Gymnasium Technik: in this three-year-course students earn the general higher education entrance qualification enabling them to enrol at any university. Students choose between metal engineering and information technology.
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International CooperationBeratungszentrumTermine

20.01.2025 - 22.01.2025
GP2 Metallbau - Praxis

20.01.2025 - 23.01.2025
Abtestat WBGT22 und WBGT23

Leistungsstandskonferenz WFSM23/WFSE23 und 1. Leistungsstandskon

Klassenkonferenzen WBGT24A und WBGT24B


Broschüre der WvS